Yoga Methods that Beginners Must Know
In fact, yoga can be done by anyone, with any body shape, without any age restrictions. Apart from building strength and flexibility, this exercise is also great for helping relieve stress.
1. Mountain pose (Tadasana)
Stand with your big toes touching, but your heels apart. Both hands at the sides of the body. Pull both shoulders down while keeping them not back and stick out your chest. Head upright with your back straight.
Hold this position for at least half a minute to a minute. If applied regularly, this pose is useful for improving body posture.
2. Downward facing (Adho Mukha Svanasana)
Position your body with both hands and knees touching the floor. Then lift your buttocks and knees away from the floor, but keep your palms and feet pressed to the floor.
Take a breath and open the soles of your feet while keeping your legs straight. Keep your back and arms straight with your head between your hands. Hold for 1–3 minutes.
This pose is useful for training the back, upper body, chest, arms and legs.
3. Plank (Utihita Churanga Dandasana)
From a downward facing position, lower your upper body until your body is in a position similar to a push-up. Your palms are directly under your shoulders with your elbows straight. Face facing down.
This pose will help make your arms, wrists and abdominal muscles stronger. Hold this posture for a maximum of one minute.
4. Warrior one (Virabhadrasana I)
From a mountain position, you can stretch your right leg away from your left leg. Position your body and legs at an angle to the right, then raise both hands up with your arms straight to the right and left of your ears. Palms clasped together.
Bend your right leg until your knee is slightly in front of your ankle. Slowly raise your chest until your back arches backwards, but keep your head upright.
Hold for 30–60 seconds. Switch to the other side of the body. This pose is useful for training balance and lower body muscles.
5. Warrior two (Virabhadrasana II)
By taking the same leg and body position as warrior one, look to the right/left according to the direction of the body position and stretch out both arms. Eyes turn to the finger. Hold for a minimum of 30 seconds and a maximum of up to 60 seconds.
6. Tree (Vriksasana)
From a mountain position, you can also raise your right leg by placing the sole of your right foot on the inside of your left thigh. Place your palms together and place them in front of your chest.
Hold this position for about 30–60 seconds. After that, do the same yoga method with the other leg.
7. Child pose (Balasana)
Sit cross-legged on the floor with your big toes meeting behind your back and your thighs parallel. Both knees apart. The buttocks are above the heels.
Bend your upper body forward, until your stomach meets your thighs and your forehead meets the mat/floor. Extend your arms against the mat until your back muscles feel stretched.
Hold this position for 30 seconds to 3 minutes to stretch your neck, pelvis and lower back muscles and visit us.